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Recruitment Experienced Flight Attendant Airbus A320 PT Citilink Indonesia 2024

PT Citilink Indonesia
PT Citilink Indonesia
Kirim Lamaran

Ringkasan Pekerjaan

  • Tingkat pendidikan: SMA/SMK,D3,S1
  • Gender: Wanita
  • Umur: 18 - 32 tahun
  • Tipe pekerjaan: Penuh Waktu
  • Lokasi: Seluruh Wilayah Indonesia
  • Tanggal diposting:
  • Tanggal kadaluarsa: 2024-05-23

Recruitment Experienced Flight Attendant Airbus A320 PT Citilink Indonesia 2024

Requirements :

  • Female
  • Maximum age of 32 years old
  • Candidate must possess high school or equivalent (bachelor’s degree and diploma is a plus)
  • Minimum height of 160 cm and proportional body weight according to BMI
  • Minimum TOEIC score of 405 (validity within 6 months)
  • Airbus A320 Flight Attendant Certified
  • Welcome to our Flight Attendant registration form! PT Citilink Indonesia is currently seeking enthusiastic and talented individuals to join our team. If you have a dedication to providing high-quality service to passengers, we invite you to be part of our team. Please fill out the form below with accurate information. Be sure to include your latest CV and other supporting documents such as:

  • CV
  • Application Letter
  • KTP
  • KK
  • Police Record
  • Passport (validity within 2 years)
  • Education Certificate
  • TOEIC Certificate (validity within 6 months)
  • Initial Certificate Flight Attendant
  • Certificate FA Rated A320
  • Certificate Medical
  • Reference Letter
  • Recently close-up Photo 3×4 cm (front-facing)
  • Recently Full-body photo (front-facing)