Semua Label
  • Semua Label
  • BUMN
  • D3
  • S1/S2

Production Support Senior Staff

PT ADVICS Manufacturing Indonesia
PT ADVICS Manufacturing Indonesia
Kirim Lamaran

Ringkasan Pekerjaan

  • Tingkat pendidikan: D3,S1
  • Gender: Pria/Wanita
  • Umur: 18 - 27 tahun
  • Tipe pekerjaan: Penuh Waktu
  • Lokasi: Jakarta
  • Tanggal diposting:
  • Tanggal kadaluarsa: 2024-06-20

Production Support Senior Staff

Job Description :

  • Approach Lean Management Concept Activities to minimize waste & maximize productivity in operation management.
  • Set & evaluate efficiency targets, leading cross-functional team to develop an action plan.
  • Lead team to develop cost-reproductive solution while retaining quality
  • Evaluate process to identity & implement improvement
  • Continuously observe production line from preparation to mass production
  • Manage education & training for operators, then evaluate effectivity & consider enhance the training accordingly.
  • Requirements :

  • Bachelor Degree Mechanical Engineering/Industrial Engineering
  • GPA min 3,00
  • Preferably having 1-3 years experiences/Fresh graduate are welcome to apply (Max. 27 years old)
  • Familiar with Manhour Management/Industrial Engineer/Lean Manufacture/Manufacturing Improvement
  • Good logical thinking, proactive & details.