Officer Development Program (ODP)

PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk
Program ini mempersiapkan Anda untuk posisi kepemimpinan di berbagai tingkatan di Mandiri. Dengan mengikuti program ini, Anda akan dilatih oleh para bankir, profesional, dan pemimpin yang sangat berpengalaman dalam berbagai aspek perbankan dan kepemimpinan. Program ini dimulai dengan pendidikan intensif di kelas diikuti dengan pelatihan di tempat kerja dan rotasi di berbagai bagian Bank.
Selain paket pelatihan yang komprehensif ini, Anda akan dilatih oleh talenta terbaik bank yang akan membantu Anda mencapai potensi maksimal Anda dan memiliki pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang kelebihan Anda. Anda juga akan memiliki akses ke Top Leaders kami dan bekerja erat dengan para manajer senior dalam proyek yang akan mengembangkan kemampuan Anda.
Bank Mandiri is one of the biggest, leading financial institutions in Indonesia, providing services to customers with a wide array of banking, investing, asset management, and other sustainable financial products and solutions. We believe that digital technology will continue to change Indonesia’s banking landscape in the future, along with the rapid migration of people’s activities to digital channels. Having started the digital transformation journey long before the pandemic, Bank Mandiri reaffirms our commitment to accelerating digital transformation and innovation towards becoming the best modern, digital bank in Indonesia to provide a better life for customers through our integrated digital financial services.
To support our aspirations, our various business segments, and our strong performance-driven culture across the organization, Bank Mandiri is committed to attracting and retaining high-quality talents across the country to ensure our further accomplishments. You will be immersed in an exceptional and challenging work environment and surrounded by colleagues and leaders who are passionate about helping you grow.
The ODP Regional Business program prepares you for leadership roles across many functions and levels in Bank Mandiri, designed to develop leaders and professional Retail Bankers, equipped with the skills and knowledge in Retail funding, lending, transactions, and services. You will be trained by highly experienced bankers and leaders in various aspects of Retail Banking and leadership throughout your development journey. Starting off with an intensive in-class education followed by on-the-job training and rotation across different parts of the Bank. Your development journey will include job exposure in the Branch/ Area/ Regional Office and/or the Head Office of our retail business segment (e.g., branch, deposits, wealth management, retail loans, retail transactions, etc).
Local or International Bachelor’s graduates (S1) or Master’s/post-graduate (S2) in the relevant field of studies from a reputable University
Grade Point Average:
Bachelor’s degree (S1): minimum 3,00 on a 4,00 GPA scale, or equivalent
Master’s degree (S2): minimum 3,20 on a 4,00 GPA scale, or equivalent
Maximum age at selection:
Bachelor’s degree (S1): 25 years old
Master’s degree (S2): 27 years old
Demonstrate professional dispositions with good networking and communication skills
Fluent in English, both written and verbal communication
No member of the nuclear family currently works in Bank Mandiri (i.e., parents, siblings)
Single, never been married, and willing to remain unmarried during the first year of the program’s journey
Willing to be relocated all over Indonesia
Good networking skills in formal and non-formal approaches with various levels of correspondence
Entrepreneurial, eager to connect with others, and willing to be part of related activities inside and outside of the organization to achieve goals
Good critical thinking and analytical skills in inquiring and acquiring relevant, comprehensive information
Excellent in communicating ideas, clearly and effectively to gain understanding and commitment from others
Job Description :
Bank Mandiri is one of the biggest, leading financial institutions in Indonesia, providing services to customers with a wide array of banking, investing, asset management, and other sustainable financial products and solutions. We believe that digital technology will continue to change Indonesia’s banking landscape in the future, along with the rapid migration of people’s activities to digital channels. Having started the digital transformation journey long before the pandemic, Bank Mandiri reaffirms our commitment to accelerating digital transformation and innovation towards becoming the best modern, digital bank in Indonesia to provide a better life for customers through our integrated digital financial services.
Bank Mandiri believes that digital technology will continue to change Indonesia’s banking landscape in the future, along with the rapid migration of people’s activities to digital channels. Having started the digital transformation journey long before the pandemic, Bank Mandiri reaffirms our commitment to accelerating digital transformation and innovation towards becoming the best modern, digital bank in Indonesia to provide a better life for customers through our integrated digital financial services.
To support our aspirations, our various business segments, and our strong performance-driven culture across the organization, Bank Mandiri is committed to attracting and retaining high-quality talents across the country to ensure our further accomplishments. You will be immersed in an exceptional and challenging work environment and surrounded by colleagues and leaders who are passionate about helping you grow.
The ODP Wholesale Banking program prepares you for leadership roles across many functions and levels in Bank Mandiri, designed to develop leaders and professional Wholesale Bankers, equipped with the skills and knowledge in Wholesale funding, lending, and solutions. You will be trained by highly experienced bankers and leaders in various aspects of Wholesale Banking and leadership throughout your development journey. Starting off with an intensive in-class education followed by on-the-job training and rotation across different parts of the Bank. You will get the opportunity for exciting yet challenging exposure in Corporate Banking (large corporations).
Local or International Bachelor’s graduates (S1) or Master’s/post-graduate (S2) in the relevant field of studies from a reputable University, such as Economics, Engineering, Business Law, International Relations, Communication, Statistics, Mathematics, etc
Grade Point Average:
Bachelor’s degree (S1): minimum 3,00 on a 4,00 GPA scale, or equivalent
Master’s degree (S2): minimum 3,20 on a 4,00 GPA scale, or equivalent
Maximum age at selection:
Bachelor’s degree (S1): 25 years old
Master’s degree (S2): 27 years old
Demonstrate professional dispositions with good networking and communication skills
Fluent in English, both written and verbal communication
Preferably able to speak other languages, such as Mandarin
No member of the nuclear family currently works in Bank Mandiri (i.e., parents, siblings)
Single, never been married, and willing to remain unmarried during the first year of the program’s journey
Willing to be relocated all over Indonesia
Ringkasan Pekerjaan
Tingkat pendidikan: S1,S2
Gender: Pria/Wanita
Umur: 18 - 27 tahun
Tipe pekerjaan: Penuh Waktu
Lokasi: Seluruh Indonesia
Tanggal diposting:
Tanggal kadaluarsa: 2024-06-21
Officer Development Program (ODP)
1. Officer Development Program Regional Business 2024
Job Description :
Requirements :
Required Skills :
2. Officer Development Program Wholesale Banking For Corporate Banking 2024
Requirements :