Semua Label
  • Semua Label
  • BUMN
  • D3
  • S1/S2

Regulatory Officer Placement Cikarang

PT Kosmetika Global Indonesia
PT Kosmetika Global Indonesia
Kirim Lamaran

Ringkasan Pekerjaan

  • Tingkat pendidikan: S1
  • Gender: Pria/Wanita
  • Umur: 20 - 30 tahun
  • Tipe pekerjaan: Penuh Waktu
  • Lokasi: Cikarang
  • Tanggal diposting:
  • Tanggal kadaluarsa: 2024-04-04

Requirements :

Minimum education is S1 Pharmacy

Minimum of 1 years experience as a regulatory officer

Understand how to register F&B cosmetics, traditional medicines and medical devices

Understand the procedures and fulfillment of halal certification requirements

Understand cosmetic regulations, CPKB and ISO Standart

Understand cosmetic export import regulations

Have leadership, analytical, innovative skills and able to work in a team

Responsibility :

Document and online product registration and notification at BPOM

Assist with the BPOM licensing process, Medical Devices and Halal Certification

Provide updated information regarding government/BPOM related regulations and legality regarding product marketing