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Freeport Indonesia - Work Location : Gresik, East Java

PT Freeport Indonesia
PT Freeport Indonesia
Kirim Lamaran

Ringkasan Pekerjaan

  • Tingkat pendidikan: D3,S1
  • Gender: Pria/Wanita
  • Umur: 18 - 30 tahun
  • Tipe pekerjaan: Penuh Waktu
  • Lokasi: Gresik
  • Tanggal diposting:
  • Tanggal kadaluarsa: 2024-04-18

1. Business Process, Smelting & Refinery - Contractor Support Administration Officer

PT. Applus Energi dan Industri is one of the manpower supply contractors of PT. Freeport Indonesia - Smelter

Division : Business Process, Smelting & Refinery

Position Title : Contractor Support Administration Officer

Work Location : Gresik, East Java

Employment Type : 6-month contract based with possibility extension

The purpose of this position / Fungsi dari posisi ini:

The Contractor Support Administration Officer will work under the direct supervision of the Recruitment Superintendent. The role of this position is in charge of performing administrative functions to support the contractor's manpower onboarding.

Contractor Support Administration Officer akan bekerja di bawah pengawasan langsung Recruitment Superintendent. Peran posisi ini adalah bertugas melakukan fungsi administratif untuk menunjang Onboarding manpower kontraktor

The key duties and responsibilities of this position / Tugas dan tanggung jawab utama posisi ini:

Performing administrative task regarding contractors manpower documentation / Melaksanakan tugas administrasi terkait dokumentasi manpower kontraktor

Monitoring every progress for contractors manpower onboarding/ Memantau setiap kemajuan dalam setiap fase onboarding tenaga kerja kontraktor

Involved in safety training module development and evaluation / Terlibat dalam pengembangan dan evaluasi modul pelatihan keselamatan

Performing administrative task regarding UID Processing (activate, reactivate, deactivate) / Melakukan tugas administratif terkait UID Badge (aktifkan, aktifkan kembali,nonaktifkan)

Prepare weekly & monthly report regarding Contractor Mobilization Process/ Menyusun laporan mingguan & bulanan mengenai Proses Mobilisasi Kontraktor

Coordinate with Contract Managements Team regarding starts from preparation till contractors manpower onboarded/ Berkoordinasi dengan Tim Manajemen Kontrak mengenai Proses Onboarding Kontraktor dimulai dari persiapan hingga tenaga kerja kontraktor siap bekerja

The background, education, and work experience needed to succeed in this job are / Latar belakang, pendidikan, dan pengalaman kerja yang diperlukan agar berhasil dalam pekerjaan ini :

Minimum Bachelor Degree (S1/D4) from all majors / Minimum gelar Sarjana (S1/D4) dari segala jurusan

Knowledge, Skills, & Abilities / Pengetahuan, keterampilan & kemampuan :

Computer literate / Dapat mengoperasikan komputer

Basic English knowledge / Pengetahuan bahasa Inggris dasar

Working knowledge of MS Office (Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word) / Memiliki pengetahuan yang baik tentang MS Office (Microsoft Excel dan Microsoft Word)

Working knowledge of SAP and other business systems would be a plus / Memiliki pengetahuan yang baik tentang SAP dan sistem bisnis lainnya menjadi nilai tambah.

Ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing / Kemampuan untuk berkomunikasi secara efektif, baik secara lisan maupun tertulis.

Kompetensi Inti (Pengetahuan, Keahlian & Karakter) / Core Competencies (Knowledge, Skills & Characters)

Passion for collaboration / Semangat untuk berkolaborasi

Able to follow instruction properly / Dapat mengikuti instruksi dengan baik

Discipline and at work / Disiplin dalam bekerja

Deadline : 12 April 2024

2. Business Process, Smelting & Refinery - HSE Instructor

PT. Applus Energi dan Industri is one of the manpower supply contractors of PT. Freeport Indonesia - Smelter

Division : Business Process, Smelting & Refinery

Position Title : HSE Instructor

Work Location : Gresik, East Java

Employment Type : 1-year contract based with possibility extension

The purpose of this position / Fungsi dari posisi ini:

HSE Instructor will be working under direct supervision of Safety Training Supervisor, of Health and Safety System & Compliance Section. The roles of this position is expected to be able to organize and directly deliver set of health, safety and environmental trainings, coaching and assessment, both theory and practical as per Freeport and Government of Indonesia standards.

Instruktur HSE akan bekerja di bawah pengawasan langsung Supervisor Pelatihan Keselamatan, Bagian Sistem & Kepatuhan Kesehatan dan Keselamatan. Peran posisi ini diharapkan dapat menyelenggarakan dan secara langsung memberikan serangkaian pelatihan, pembinaan dan penilaian kesehatan, keselamatan dan lingkungan, baik teori maupun praktik sesuai standar Freeport dan Pemerintah Indonesia.

The key duties and responsibilities of this position / Tugas dan tanggung jawab utama posisi ini:

Deliver day to day scheduled safety and environmental training / Memastikan pelaksanaan pelatihan safety dan lingkungan secara rutin

Involved in quarterly training needs assessment / Terlibat dalam analisa kebutuhan pelatihan kuarter

Involved in safety training module development and evaluation / Terlibat dalam pengembangan dan evaluasi modul pelatihan keselamatan

Manage training aids availability and classroom housekeeping / Mengelola ketersediaan alat bantu pelatihan dan tata graha kelas

Report any training delivery issues or concerns and investigate potential causes/ Melaporkan masalah atau kekhawatiran apa pun dalam penyelenggaraan pelatihan dan selidiki kemungkinan penyebabnya

Coordinate with Operations Team regarding to safety training implementation / Berkoordinasi dengan Tim Operation untuk memantau pelaksanaan safety training

The background, education, and work experience needed to succeed in this job are / Latar belakang, pendidikan, dan pengalaman kerja yang diperlukan agar berhasil dalam pekerjaan ini :

Minimum Bachelor Degree (S1/D4) from Engineering or Health & Safety related field with minimum 5 years of industrial experience in smelting, manufacturing, petrochemical or mining operation/ Minimum gelar Sarjana (S1/D4) dari bidang Teknik atau bidang terkait Kesehatan & Keselamatan dengan pengalaman industri minimal 5 tahun di bidang peleburan, manufaktur, petrokimia atau operasi penambangan

Knowledge, Skills, & Abilities / Pengetahuan, keterampilan & kemampuan :

Knowledge or certification in health, safety and environmental related trainings / Memiliki pemahaman atau sertifikasi yang baik dalam pelatihan terkait kesehatan, keselamatan dan lingkungan

Knowledge in copper smelter operation environmental and safety related hazard and risks / Memiliki pemahaman yang baik mengenai bahaya dan risiko keselamatan dan lingkungan dalam pengoperasian smelter tembaga

Computer literate / Dapat mengoperasikan komputer

Intermediate English knowledge both oral and written / Pengetahuan bahasa Inggris tingkat menengah baik lisan maupun tulisan

Working knowledge of MS Office (Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word) / Memiliki pengetahuan yang baik tentang MS Office (Microsoft Excel dan Microsoft Word)

Working knowledge of SAP and other business systems would be a plus / Memiliki pengetahuan yang baik tentang SAP dan sistem bisnis lainnya menjadi nilai tambah.

Ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing / Kemampuan untuk berkomunikasi secara efektif, baik secara lisan maupun tertulis.

Kompetensi Inti (Pengetahuan, Keahlian & Karakter) / Core Competencies (Knowledge, Skills & Characters)

Certified BNSP Training of Trainer Level 4 / Certified BNSP Training of Trainer Level 4

Experience in conducting assessment for safety and environmental related trainings / Pengalaman dalam melakukan penilaian untuk pelatihan terkait keselamatan dan lingkungan

Passion for collaboration / Semangat untuk berkolaborasi

Able to follow instruction properly / Dapat mengikuti instruksi dengan baik

Discipline and at work / Disiplin dalam bekerja

Ability to relate to participants with diverse backgrounds / Kemampuan untuk berhubungan dengan peserta beragam latar belakang

Deadline : April, 01st 2024

3. Business Process, Smelting & Refinery - Senior Instructor

PT. Applus Energi dan Industri is one of the manpower supply contractors of PT. Freeport Indonesia - Smelter

Division : Business Process, Smelting & Refinery

Position Title : Senior Instructor

Work Location : Gresik, East Java

Employment Type : 1-year contract based with possibility extension

The purpose of this position / Fungsi dari posisi ini:

Senior Instructor will be working under direct supervision of Safety Training Supervisor, of Health and Safety System & Compliance Section. The roles of this position is expected to be able to manages, organize, advisory roles and directly deliver set of safety trainings, coaching and assessment, both theory and practical as per Freeport and Government of Indonesia standards.

Instruktur Senior akan bekerja di bawah pengawasan langsung Supervisor Pelatihan Keselamatan, Bagian Sistem & Kepatuhan Kesehatan dan Keselamatan. Peran posisi ini diharapkan mampu mengelola, mengatur, berperan sebagai penasihat dan secara langsung memberikan serangkaian pelatihan, pembinaan dan penilaian keselamatan, baik secara teoritis maupun praktik sesuai standar Freeport dan Pemerintah Indonesia.

The key duties and responsibilities of this position / Tugas dan tanggung jawab utama posisi ini:

Lead in managing day to day scheduled safety training delivery / Memimpin pengolaan pelaksanaan pelatihan safety secara rutin

Lead quarterly training needs assessment / mengelola analisa kebutuhan pelatihan kuarter

Involved in safety training module development and evaluation / Terlibat dalam pengembangan dan evaluasi modul pelatihan keselamatan

Manage training aids availability and classroom housekeeping / Mengelola ketersediaan alat bantu pelatihan dan tata graha kelas

Prepare weekly safety training delivery report / Menyiapkan laporan penyampaian pelatihan keselamatan mingguan

Report any training delivery issues or concerns and investigate potential causes/ Melaporkan masalah atau kekhawatiran apa pun dalam penyelenggaraan pelatihan dan selidiki kemungkinan penyebabnya

Coordinate with Operations Team regarding to safety training implementation / Berkoordinasi dengan Tim Operation untuk memantau pelaksanaan safety training

The background, education, and work experience needed to succeed in this job are / Latar belakang, pendidikan, dan pengalaman kerja yang diperlukan agar berhasil dalam pekerjaan ini :

Minimum Bachelor Degree (S1/D4) from Engineering or Health & Safety related field with around 10 years of industrial experience in smelting, manufacturing, petrochemical or mining operation/ Minimum gelar Sarjana (S1/D4) dari bidang Teknik atau bidang terkait Kesehatan & Keselamatan dengan pengalaman industri minimal 10 tahun di bidang peleburan, manufaktur, petrokimia atau operasi penambangan

or Associate degree (D3) with around 15 years working experience in smelting, manufacturing, petrochemical or mining operation / atau Gelar Associate (D3) dengan pengalaman kerja minimal 15 tahun di bidang peleburan, manufaktur, petrokimia atau pertambangan

Knowledge, Skills, & Abilities / Pengetahuan, keterampilan & kemampuan :

Knowledge or certification in health and safety related trainings / Memiliki pemahaman atau sertifikasi yang baik dalam pelatihan terkait kesehatan dan keselamatan

Knowledge in copper smelter operation hazard and risks / Memiliki pemahaman yang baik mengenai bahaya dan risiko pengoperasian smelter tembaga

Computer literate / Dapat mengoperasikan komputer

Basic English knowledge / Pengetahuan bahasa Inggris dasar

Working knowledge of MS Office (Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word) / Memiliki pengetahuan yang baik tentang MS Office (Microsoft Excel dan Microsoft Word)

Working knowledge of SAP and other business systems would be a plus / Memiliki pengetahuan yang baik tentang SAP dan sistem bisnis lainnya menjadi nilai tambah.

Ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing / Kemampuan untuk berkomunikasi secara efektif, baik secara lisan maupun tertulis.

Kompetensi Inti (Pengetahuan, Keahlian & Karakter) / Core Competencies (Knowledge, Skills & Characters)

Certified BNSP Training of Trainer Level 4 / Certified BNSP Training of Trainer Level 4

Experience in conducting assessment for safety related trainings / Pengalaman dalam melakukan penilaian untuk pelatihan terkait keselamatan

Passion for collaboration / Semangat untuk berkolaborasi

Able to follow instruction properly / Dapat mengikuti instruksi dengan baik

Discipline and at work / Disiplin dalam bekerja

Ability to relate to participants with diverse backgrounds / Kemampuan untuk berhubungan dengan peserta beragam latar belakang

Deadline : March, 29th 2024

4. Smelter Operation Readiness - Superintendent, Tax Compliance

The purpose of this position is: Coordinate, administer, analyze, review, monitor, and control the tax regulations implementation within the Company, Contractors and Vendors, in order to ensure proper tax collection, recordation, reporting and payments in compliance with Tax Laws in association with VAT, Income Tax article 4 (2), 15, 21, 23, 26, PNBP as well as local taxes timely, accurately, effectively and efficiently.

The key duties and responsibilities of this position are:

Lead the assessment of withholding taxes Article 4 (2), 15, 23, and 26, on PTFI's purchase of services from local suppliers and service from offshore vendors and the remittance of the taxes withheld, as well as VAT, PNBP and local taxes to the Indonesian State Treasury within a prescribed timeframe.

Coordinate with Jakarta Tax Team Filing of Withholding Tax returns to the Indonesia Tax Office ("ITO") and remittance of any money owed to the Indonesian State Treasury on monthly basis, and support data for VAT tax return.

Direct, review, and monitor to make sure a correct and proper handling of creditable and non-creditable VAT. Maintain web application for VAT administration, including data flow and operating manual for application and make sure that Tax Invoice code 07 should has been supported by PPKEK/PJKEK.

Liaise with corporate tax department in the collection of Certificate of Domicile ("COD") for offshore contractors according to the tax treaty and applicable Indonesia tax and regulation which are applicable to offshore contractors such as standardized form issued by Directorate General of Tax such as Form DGT-1. Making sure that the correct assessment has been applied to the payment of PTFI and/or affiliates dividend.

Direct coordination with PTFI Contract Department, Human Resources and Accounting Department on advising the proper and correct mechanism on income tax law to ensure that current and proposed income tax policy has been set up in accordance with current income tax law and regulation.

Review and reconcile all documents prepared by Accountants of WHT, VAT, PNBP/Local Taxes to ensure the accuracy and punctuality.

Lead the provision of information for routine SOX audit by the internal audit team. Attach to audit team members to provide significant assistance in responding to audit queries in the area of withholding taxes.

The key challenges in this position include:

Dealing with changing government tax laws and regulations.

Differences in Withholding tax regulations between the IUPK PTFI and generally prevailing tax regulations. Also possible different interpretation of the tax facilities provided by the IUPK.

Increased assistances to audit section as audits are now more frequent and litigation processes are overlapping between one year to the next.

Maintain consistency on tax treatment to avoid over assessment during tax audit.

The background, education, and work experience needed to succeed in this job are:

Minimum Education & Experience Bachelor Degree (S1) in Economic, Accounting or Fiscal Administration with at least 4 years experience as tax specialist in multinational Company or in Tax Consultant Firm.

Core Competencies (Knowledge, Skills & Characters):

Supervisory and team work skill.

Knowledge in tax regulations particularly related to Special Economic Zone (KEK) and its implementation on the company.

Thorough, Critical and Tactful.

Thorough attention to detail.

Having ability to maintain good relationship with tax officers, especially with the local and regional tax authorities.

Having computer ability in database programming, spreadsheet, word processing, presentation, and standard PTFI reporting tools.

Good interpersonal and communication skill.

Customer service orientation.

Understand company's accounting system.

Other PTFI mandatory competencies.

The key areas in which you have decision-making responsibility are:

Decide amount of withholding taxes to be paid. Approve subordinate's leave.

Select and recommend system and tools to accommodate

Analyze and recommend the implementation of appropriate employee income tax treatment, method and procedure that give tax benefit and efficiency to Employees, Company and its privatized partners and comply with the regulations.

Deadline: 2 April 2024

4. Business Process, Smelting & Refinery - Safety Admin

PT. Applus Energi dan Industri is one of the manpower supply contractors of PT. Freeport Indonesia - Smelter

Division : Business Process, Smelting & Refinery

Position Title : Safety Admin

Work Location : Gresik, East Java

Employment Type : 1-year contract based with possibility extension

The purpose of this position / Fungsi dari posisi ini:

Safety Admin will be working together with instructors to succesfuly deliver safety training implementation. this position will be under direct supervision of Safety Training Supervisor, of Health and Safety System & Compliance Section. The roles of this position is expected to be able to support the administration side of safety training program including managing training registrations, training schedule, training records submission and data retentions.

Safety Admin akan bekerja sama dengan instruktur untuk menyukseskan pelaksanaan pelatihan keselamatan. Posisi ini akan berada di bawah pengawasan langsung Supervisor Pelatihan Keselamatan, Bagian Sistem & Kepatuhan Kesehatan dan Keselamatan. Peran posisi ini diharapkan mampu mendukung sisi administrasi program pelatihan keselamatan termasuk mengelola pendaftaran pelatihan, jadwal pelatihan, penyerahan catatan pelatihan dan penyimpanan data.

The key duties and responsibilities of this position / Tugas dan tanggung jawab utama posisi ini:

Lead training records submission to SAP and training documents retentions as per company standards / Memimpin penyerahan catatan pelatihan ke SAP dan penyimpanan dokumen pelatihan sesuai standar perusahaan

Develop and maintain training dashboard / Mengembangkan dan memelihara dasbor pelatihan

Develop safety training schedule based on training needs assessment, weekly training progress and management request / Mengembangkan jadwal pelatihan keselamatan berdasarkan penilaian kebutuhan pelatihan, hasil pelatihan mingguan serta permintaan management

Manage safety training documentation system as per company procedures / Mengelola sistem dokumentasi pelatihan keselamatan sesuai prosedur perusahaan

Report any training delivery issues or concerns and investigate potential causes/ Melaporkan masalah atau kekhawatiran apa pun dalam penyelenggaraan pelatihan dan selidiki kemungkinan penyebabnya

Coordinate with Operations Team regarding to safety training implementation / Berkoordinasi dengan Tim Operation untuk memantau pelaksanaan safety training

Coordinate with Contractors regarding to safety training implementation and other mandatory health and safety management reports / Berkoordinasi dengan Kontraktor untuk memantau pelaksanaan safety training dan kewajiban pelaporan terkait safety management system

Support ad-hoc task as needed by the Company / Membantu tugas-tugas tambahan sesuai kebutuhan perusahaan

The background, education, and work experience needed to succeed in this job are / Latar belakang, pendidikan, dan pengalaman kerja yang diperlukan agar berhasil dalam pekerjaan ini :

Minimum Bachelor Degree (S1/D4) in health and safety or associate degree (D3) with around 2 years working experience in health and safety administrative role or high school degree with around 4 years working experience in health and safety administrative role/ Gelar sarjana di bidang K3 atau gelar diploma (D3) dengan minimal 1-2 tahun pengalaman kerja di bagian administrasi, atau lulusan SMA dengan minimal 2-3 tahun pengalaman kerja di bagian administrasi

Knowledge, Skills, & Abilities / Pengetahuan, keterampilan & kemampuan :

Good understanding or familiar with Mining Safety Management System (SMKP) or OHS Management System (SMK3) / Memahami atau familiar dengan Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan Pertambangan (SMKP) atau Sistem Manajemen K3 (SMK3)

Computer literate / Dapat mengoperasikan komputer

Basic English knowledge / Pengetahuan bahasa Inggris dasar

Working knowledge of MS Office (Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word) / Memiliki pengetahuan yang baik tentang MS Office (Microsoft Excel dan Microsoft Word)

Working knowledge of SAP and other business systems would be a plus / Memiliki pengetahuan yang baik tentang SAP dan sistem bisnis lainnya menjadi nilai tambah.

Ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing / Kemampuan untuk berkomunikasi secara efektif, baik secara lisan maupun tertulis.

Kompetensi Inti (Pengetahuan, Keahlian & Karakter) / Core Competencies (Knowledge, Skills & Characters)

Adherence to Company Policies, Procedures, and Practices / Kepatuhan terhadap Kebijakan, Prosedur, dan Praktik Perusahaan.

Safety as core value / Keselamatan sebagai nilai inti.

Passion for collaboration / Semangat untuk berkolaborasi

Able to follow instruction properly / Dapat mengikuti instruksi dengan baik

Discipline and at work / Disiplin dalam bekerja

Ability to relate to participants with diverse backgrounds / Kemampuan untuk berhubungan dengan peserta beragam latar belakang

Deadline : March, 29th 2024

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